Dolphin Watch is a collaborative, citizen science research and education project developed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) together with Murdoch and Edith Cowan Universities in 2009 to help learn more about the bottlenose dolphins residing in Perth (Swan Canning Riverpark) and Mandurah (Peel-Harvey Estuary).
We’re pleased to announce the next Dolphin Watch training event in Mandurah! Join scientists from Murdoch University, the DBCA and Estuary Guardians teams, and learn all about the dolphins that call the Peel-Harvey Estuary home, including how to identify individuals and the behaviours you’re observing. By attending this event you’ll learn how to become a fully trained Dolphin Watch volunteer and help contribute to the research being undertaken on the Mandurah dolphin population. We will also be launching the sixth edition of the FinBook guide, with all attendees receiving a hardcopy to take home.
Come and enjoy a yummy supper and mingle with like-minded people who care about our environment and want to help protect our dolphins. We look forward to seeing you there – register for your free ticket here!
Doors open 6pm, with light refreshments provided. Presentations will begin at 6.20pm. Tickets are free, but please register via the link above.