Research into the Swan Canning Riverpark dolphin community over the past fifteen years (2009-2024) discovered a community of approximately 20-25 dolphins that use the river on a daily basis.
This group includes several adult females with dependent calves, two ‘alliances’ of tightly-bonded adult males, and a group of sociable youngsters. The research indicates that many, if not all the Swan Canning Riverpark dolphin community are likely to have grown up in the Swan-Canning Estuary and have local knowledge that is important to their survival. These dolphins are likely to know where the fish are available to eat and return to these spots regularly.
The research identified the dolphins by the distinctive shape of their dorsal fins and collected valuable information about their range, habitat, behaviour and feeding. The Dolphin Watch project has an identification catalogue of the Swan Canning Riverpark dolphin community’s dorsal fins that helps volunteers to identify sighting of these mammals.
The ninth edition of FinBook, a photographic guide to dolphins in the Swan Canning Riverpark is available for download to help the community monitor Perth’s dolphin population.
FinBook is a catalogue of dorsal fin images for dolphins observed in the Swan Canning Riverpark and Fremantle Port Inner Harbour from 2008 to 2022. Dolphins are most easily identified by scars and other markings on their dorsal fins.
» Download the Latest Finbook Guide here