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Meet the people behind the River Guardians program and key projects we deliver in partnership with tertiary institutions, government agencies and not-for-profits.

Jason Menzies

Senior Officer, Behaviour Change and Public Participation

Jason holds a degree in Environmental Science and has spent the past 20+ years blending environmental science with social science in a variety of roles in both the private and government sectors.

Jason has spent the past decade working for the Swan River Trust and Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions as the Community Engagement Program Manager and is also the Department’s representative on the Keep Australia Beautiful Council (WA). Jason manages the River Guardians program and its suite of educational projects which aim to affect positive behaviour change in the community.

You can contact Jason at


Naomi Adamczyk

River Guardians Education Officer

Naomi holds a degree in Conservation Biology and Environmental Science and is responsible for delivering educational programs and activities to schools and the community. Popular educational projects managed by Naomi include Junior Dolphin Watch and Drains to Living Streams which have been designed to link to the WA school curriculum. Naomi also manages our social media pages and enjoys bringing you the latest updates about our projects, research and events.

You can contact Naomi at


Dr Kerry Trayler

Principal Scientist, Rivers and Estuaries Science

Kerry Trayler works as Principal Scientist and Program Leader for Rivers and Estuaries Science at the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).

Kerry has a PhD in Environmental Science and over 30-years experience working in estuarine, riverine and wetlands research and management.

Kerry has long been involved in citizen science projects having been involved from the start of Dolphin Watch and Prawn Watch and brings her science expertise and knowledge to these projects.

Associate Professor Chandra Salgado-Kent

Associate Professor, Edith Cowan University

Chandra is an Associate Professor for the Centre for Marine Ecosystems Research in the School of Science at Edith Cowan University. Chandra draws from her complementary roles at Edith Cowan University and Oceans Blueprint in a creative approach to making positive change in conservation science.

Chandra is a marine ecologist and bio-acoustician working in a wide range of conservation and management topics. Overall, Chandra’s career in marine related research spans 25 years, in which she has worked in a diversity of fields including mangrove forest restoration, marine fauna ranging from crustaceans to baleen whales, and impacts of human activities on marine wildlife.

Chandra is one of the lead researchers associated with the Dolphin Watch project and has been analysing data submitted by our Dolphin Watch citizen scientists since the project’s inception in 2009.

Dr Delphine Chabanne

Researcher, Murdoch University - Harry Butler Institute Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems

Murdoch University marine biologist Dr Delphine Chabanne is a research Fellow at the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems at Murdoch’s Harry Butler Institute and has been studying Perth’s dolphins for more than a decade.

Delphine’s research interest broadly covers the field of population ecology, behaviour and genetics of coastal and estuarine cetacean species and has been involved in a number of coastal dolphins’ research programs across Australia, with a primary role in the long-term monitoring project of the dolphin population in Perth, Western Australia and the Dolphin Watch citizen science project.

Delphine completed her PhD thesis in July 2017 where she assessed the demographic, social and genetic structure of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins inhabiting coastal and estuarine waters of Perth, Western Australia, including a special interest in the resident dolphin community in the Swan-Canning Estuary.

Delphine undertakes scientific vessel surveys of the Swan-Canning Estuary for the Department on a seasonal basis to help us monitor the individuals in this small sub-population. Delphine is also an amazing photographer and helps us put together Perth FinBook every two-years – an identification catalogue of dolphins in the Swan Canning Riverpark.

Dr Krista Nicholson

Research Fellow, Murdoch University - Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems, Harry Butler Institute

Krista is a population ecologist and has extensive field work experience with small cetaceans, particularly in Mandurah, Western Australia. Krista undertakes applied and empirical research and works closely with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DCBA) to help deliver Dolphin Watch in Mandurah. This role includes helping to train volunteers each year and keep them updated on the Mandurah dolphin community.

Krista is currently working on publishing dolphin live stranding and fishing line entanglement records in the Peel-Harvey Estuary.

Dr Holly Raudino

Senior Research Scientist, Marine Science Program Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Dr Holly Raudino is a conservationist and Senior Research Scientist with more than 20 years experience conducting marine mammal surveys by boat and air and assisting joint managers in sea country surveys, data management and communication. Holly’s research is applied to management and centres on threatened marine animal species with a particular focus on estimating population size and mapping distribution and providing technical advice for conservation outcomes. Holly has published over 25 peer reviewed journal publications.

Holly helped expand Dolphin Watch to Broome in 2018 to involve the community in helping to monitor the ‘vulnerable’ Australian snubfin dolphins (Orcaella heinsohni).

Dr Kelly Waples

Principal Scientist, Marine Science Program, Biodiversity and Conservation Science

Dr Kelly Waples is a Principal Research Scientist for the WA Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. After completing her Ph.D. in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. Dr. Waples has worked for more than 20 years in conservation and management. Her research interests include marine mammal behavioural ecology, human wildlife interaction, and knowledge exchange between science and management to improve conservation outcomes.

Kelly works closely with Holly in helping deliver Dolphin Watch in Broome.


Dolphin Watch Mascot

Lilo is our unofficial Dolphin Watch Mascot. She takes her job very seriously and has featured in several of our social media posts, promoting the Dolphin Watch project. She is the goodest girl and very compliant during photoshoots. Lilo loves eating snacks and taking naps.


Resident Office Dog

George is our resident office dog at our Kensington HQ. If you follow us on Instagram, you may have seen him feature in our Stories. His special skills include falling asleep on the job, snoring loudly during meetings, taking himself for a walk around the office and personally inspecting everyone’s lunch. George takes his job very seriously and looks forward to coming into the office.