Snubfin Census Results
The 2022 Snubfin dolphin population census results are in!
The snubfin population residing in Roebuck Bay is the largest known population of this species across its range. In Roebuck Bay, the population size of snubfin dolphins is estimated to be 130 and is thought to reside in the Yawuru Nagulagun / Roebuck Bay Marine Park and Kimberley Ports Authority waters and occasionally visit surrounding areas such as Cable Beach.
The 2022 census results identified 87 individual dolphins, which were similar results to the 2019 census. This is promising and indicates the population is stable. The snubfin dolphins are listed as ‘vulnerable’ under the EPBC Act, so it’s important that we continue to monitor them, to ensure the population remains steady. Click the link below to watch Dr Holly Raudino explain the 2022 census results in more details!
Photo of a mother and calf snubfin dolphin by Dr Raudino